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Saturday, August 9, 2014

ODSEE unindexed searches issue, performace issue, nsslapd-allidsthreshold value

issue is, you have attribute that is indexed but logs shows that it is having indexed searches.


please check value of nsslapd-allidsthreshold  attribute in dse.ldif. by default when you create instance oracle assign it to 50,000 but if your data is more than that and query is searching more records than that for any attribute, result will be slow and you will get unindexed searches result.

in order to over come this issue do the following.
1. increase value for this attribute in dse.ldif(make sure instances is stopped when you increase the value).
2. you can increase this value thru Console and rebuild of indexes is required.

to increase threshold  values of all the indexed do the following.
1.stop the instance and export data from that instance
2. go to dse.ldif
3. there is a value called nsslapd-allidsthreshold increase value to you max record plus future enhancement.
4. start instance.
5. import data into that suffix, it will rebuild all the indexes instead of rebuilding thru GUI.

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