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Thursday, June 30, 2022

OIM 12c Adding new attribute to the User forms

Requirenment was to add a new attribute to the user create and upadate form. I have followed the following articale section 6.3 Other changes to consider Make sure you are using collect Entities and Corresponding Data Components and View Objects 1. I have make mistake using wrong "Corresponding Data Components" for the attribute. it has different components for each page. 2. Make sure to enable Auto Save option check box otherwise you will to modify other propert before Submit button shows up 3. in order for the attribute send the information to OUD, you have to add this attribute to a correct connector. 4. Values will not be send to a Target application untill you run a schedule task "Form Upgrade Job".

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

error Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target and ERROR_oracle.iam.application.impl_CE,SSLHE,SCPBE,VE_S_TRACE,EXC_MSG.html @@@ See:,SSLHE,SCPBE,VE_S_TRACE,EXC_MSG.html Solution. Applicaiton Certificate in your keystore is expired. when OAM is trying to decrypt the request, it is getting error. Find a command sot see the keystore, you will find a cert with expiration date. replace the expired cert with the keytool import and test again. Application will work. here is the command to import a new cert into keystore keytool -import -alias serverwl -trustcacerts -file supportcert.pem -keystore client_store.jks -storepass example_password