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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Okta AWS IAM Identity Center Integration error "Something went wrong Looks like this code isn't right. Please try again."

Error Something went wrong Looks like this code isn't right. Please try again. Senario, You integrated okta with AWS Identity Store following the Okta instructions but when you test, you are getting error. Reason, Okta is sending attribute value that does not exists in AWS Identity Store. Value in Okta or AWS Identity store does not match. Solution: IAM Identity Center is like a directory. when you are logging into the AWS you are beig authenticated by different store. You need to make sure user who are going to login to IAM Identity Center has users information there. either change the username value after clicking on Provisioning Tab of IAM Identity Center in Okta and change the username value or match the default username value to "IAM Identity Center" user information.