in order to integrate OIM 11gR2ps2 and OAM 11gR2ps2 we need to run below are steps that are performed by this utility. if you understand what it does it help to understand what is missing in integration.
if you are integrating OIM/OAM 11gR2ps2 integration with OID 10g you need to add many attributes and object classes in order for this utility to run and create all the required steps for integration.
I have to add following object classes at OID 10g while integrating OIM 11gR2 and OAM 11gR2. previously I have added some object classes too when I was integrating OIM 11g with OID 10g. if you are integrating OIM with OID 10g run this utility and add missing attributes and Object classes after reviewing logs of this utility.
i have added following Attrubutes at OID 10g because I was getting error of missing object classes and attributes.
all attributes are single value and Syntax is Directory String
created orclIDXGroup as a object
groupOfIniqueNames (mandatory objects)
following are optional objects added to orclIDXGroup
optional attributes added as
Directory String single value
run this utility after command I have mentioned what steps are being performed by this utility.
./ -preConfigIDStore -f propertiesfile.txt
it does the following
it add following attributes
dn: cn=orclFAUserReadPrivilegeGroup
dn: cn=orclFAUserWritePrivilegeGroup
dn: cn=orclFAUserWritePrefsPrivilegeGroup
dn: cn=orclFAGroupReadPrivilegeGroup
dn: cn=orclFAGroupWritePrivilegeGroup
it loads aci file
it creates password policies
it loads file to add OID tuning parameter
it add following parameter
add: orclinmemfiltprocess
it modify/modify "container" object class
dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113894.200.2.6 NAME 'container' SUP orclContainer
it modify attribute
dn: cn=catalogs
changetype: modify
add: orclindexedattribute
orclindexedattribute: orclFAPersonID
add second password policy
dn: cn=FAPolicy,cn=pwdPolicies
if you are getting following error
oracle.ldap.util.LDIFLoader loadOneLdifFile
INFO: Ignoring Error: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - Parent entry not found in the directory.]; remaining name 'cn=SystemIDPolicy,cn=pwdPolicies,cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=orasystemsusa,dc=com
most proberbly your parameters value of below attribute is not correct.