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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

oim 11g exporting metadata using command line exportMetadata

oracle documentation about exporting meta data

  1. In order to perform MDS opertations, log on to the OIM Server Host with the account used to install and run the WebLogic Server.
  2. Set you environment variables for the OIM domain by running the appropriate setDomainEnv script found in the <Middlewarhome>/user_projects/domains/<domain name>/bin folder.
  3. Create a temporary directory that will be used to store the resulting xml files from the database.
  4. Verify that the app server is up and running.
  5. Ensure that you know the weblogic admin username and the URL to the Admin Server.

Performing the Export

  1. In the command shell / console window, go to the OIM_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin directory.
  2. Execute the command and issue the connect() command.
  3. Provide the weblogic admin username and password and the URL to the Admin Server.
  4. Execute the exportMetadata command providing at least the following arguments:
    application, server and toLocation

    Be sure to pass the argument data in single quotes, like: server='oim_server1'
  5. You should see a list of the files exported, at that point you can issue the disconnect() command followed by the exit() command.

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